The Ideal Insider
A Behind The Scenes Look At Our Community
Changes In The Community
As we continue to grow with a diverse group of entreprenuers, we have made a few changes in our operations. Our goal is to better serve you and enhance your experience as a beauty professional here at Ideal Salon Studio Suites.
Over the past couple of months we have contracted with a third party management company to handle your suite related concerns.
They are equipped to schedule your non-emergency maintenance requests in a timely manner.
Please keep in mind that the proper way to schedule a maintenance request is through our online portal.
The new management company is accessible Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5pm. There is limited service on weekends. Any requests outside of those hours will be addressed on the following business day.
Ideal Biz Spotlight

Tiffany Nicole - Power Influence Radio
Ms. Tiffany Nicole is the latest addition to our community with Power Influence Radio.
Each show is filled with powerful messages and content from some of the most influential world changers.
Check out one of her shows at

Health Insurance
Healthcare has historically been a challenge in our industry and many salon operators lack access to affordable health insurance options.
Effective earlier this year the Covid Relief Plan was signed into law to help entrepreneurs like you to get quality health insurance from well known insurance providers like Blue Cross Blue Shield and Kaiser Permanente.
The process is simple. It’s basically the Affordable Care Act rebooted, where you can shop on a marketplace of several providers. Many plans offer low deductibles and low co-pays. There’s no pre-existing condition penalty and it only takes a few minutes to complete your sign up.
The program is based on your adjusted gross income (the amount your tax return shows AFTER all deductions).
Here’s the link for more information

Understanding Crypto
Cryptocurrency is a form of payment that can be exchanged online for goods and services. Just like paper money is issued by many different countries, cryptocurrencies are issued from many different companies. These currencies are referred to as tokens.
These tokens can be exchanged for goods or services that these companies may provide. Think of them as you would arcade tokens or casino chips. You’ll need to exchange real currency for the cryptocurrency to access the good or service.
Cryptocurrencies are powered by blockchain technology. Blockchain is a decentralized technology spread across many computers that manages and records transactions. If you want to know more about cryptocurrencies and how they work, here’s a link to a FORBES article that explains it well.

Podcasts To Check Out
We ran into this podcast and wanted to share it with our community. This podcast is a great resource when it comes to tips on how to run a successful salon business and hear opinions about the business from a different perspective.
The podcast is hosted by Nina, a former salon owner/stylist turned business coach and speaker along with co-host J, also a salon owner/stylist and educator.
They created this platform to allow you to dig deep, help you move past your insecurities, conquer your fears, and become the absolute best version of yourself.
The name of the podcast is NO STYLIST LEFT BEHIND
$250 Cash Reward
Good cosmetologists know and associate with other good cosmetologists, so we are offering a $250 reward for every new suite owner you personally refer to us. Once they have moved in and occupied their unit 30 get $250 CASH
This offer is for applicants that we have not had contact with in the past 90 days. To qualify you must send us an email of your referral's name and they must mention you during their tour.